Where do we go when we die?

Where do we go
when we die?

Is there really a heaven? . . .

. . . a place where God has “prepared a place for us”? Or does life for us begin and end on planet Earth? Are all those orbs in the seemingly infinite universe just put there for us to admire as we gaze up into the night sky? Or is there life on all those other worlds?

We know that when we die our body remains behind on this planet, but where does the real us—soul, spirit, consciousness—go? Can something so vital one minute disappear into nothingness the next? Are our loved ones still alive waiting for us "on the other side"?

Some say that we cannot know, that nobody has ever come back to tell us. Is this true? Revealed knowledge teaches us that the universe is teeming with life. How do we receive such information? Can angelic beings as well as “the dead” transmit ideas to us telepathically via gifted human receivers?

Would you get on a plane to China without first learning something about the country and its inhabitants? Yet this is what we do when we embark on our great journey into the unknown.

In the books listed on this website you will find many descriptions of that journey—a travel guide, a life-after-death itinerary—from those who have have made it to the other side and survived to tell us about it. Descriptions vary, yet a thread of similarity runs through them all, just as accounts of life on Earth by a New Yorker, a Tahitian, and an ancient Egyptian would bear likenesses to each other.

Are these accounts true? Only you can judge that for yourself.


Videos of those who have had near-death experiences and who have returned to tell us about it.

print and ebooks

A selection of classic inspired works in both Kindle and print formats. All profits go to FreeSchools World Literacy.

online books

Our collection of out-of-print books and other works describing life after death to read online for free or for purchase.

“Death is not the closing but the opening of a door.”

― Adela Rogers St. Johns (1894-1988), author of No Goodbyes
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